Sunday, April 26, 2009

Damn it, i just can't

i really wanted to write about the bigger issues today. About making composting more accessible for apartment dwellers, and how happy i am that it's getting easier to live by the three "r"'s of recycling... but right now all i can think about is this dang crick in my neck. It's SO incredibly painful. (whinge, whiiiiiine, etc) i'm day dreaming of A535, Traumeel, and the hottest shower i can take without getting 1st degree burns.
And some wine.

i'll give you a cookie.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New diggs. I'm Posessed

Ok. Not really posessed, (have you seen the exorcist lately? Some of the images in that movie still scare the SHIT out of me!) but we did take posession on our new home yesterday, and it feeeeeels great! The move, coupled with Canucks Playoff Hockey, is making for a sweet sweet spring.

oh gawd, still have exorcist images in my head... think happy thoughts...

like this...

The first photo of the first hour at the new diggs. Next step: paint
and art!!
Yea art!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bio-Dad #1

The almost impossible task of finding my biological father.

Why? Curiosity, that's all.

The Facts:
He lived in Dawson City for the Summer of 1980 (it's small!)

He worked odd jobs to get by

He was young- about 18/19

He was blond

They hooked up after the infamous Outhouse Races:
...Honestly that's it. It was a one night thing (that's all it takes!) and we don't even know his name.

The Plan:
Ask mum more questions to jog her memory (people are a lot easier to find if you know their name)

Contact family friend who was with mum that summer.

Maybe take a trip up North to see this:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

a few things

1. it was sunny today and i managed to get my arse out to the beach to share a glass of wine with mum, (not seen here) this is actually a really weak picture of the sunset from my car...

2. i finally found an purdy piece of art to hang in the new digs, but went back the next day to purchase it and someone had already made off with it... i snoozed and i losed... i think i actually mourned it a bit. here she is:

3. i picked up a new shirt in honour of my lovely room mate mel:

4. i really like ducks and walk to see them almost every weekend lunch hour, but most geese are mean:

5. it's way past my bed time.
6. i'm starting up the search for bio dad, which will be verrrry interesting considering his last known whereabouts was dawson city, 1980, and we don't know his name...
much more to come on that.