The answer to the second part of that question is EVERYONE. I saw people who looked old enough to be grandparents, and people who were still in highschool. How scary would that be?! You're 16 and your parents give you the 'money doesn't grow on trees' speech for the 70th time, only this time they cut off your allowance, give you the number to the local employment centre, and send you on your way. You're SUPER nervous, and when you show up, you're competing with this guy for jobs:
Most of us have, at one point in our lives, been forced to attend a job fair. On paper, the idea is brilliant. Go to one place, with 20 copies of your resume, and drop them all off at once. A great time saver for both employee and employer.
What isn't translated to the brilliant paper plan is the awkwardness of the whole thing. Selling yourself is hard enough 1 on 1, let alone in front of 10 other job-thirsty-seekers hudling around the table.
Thank god i'm still gainfully employed...For now.

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