Monday, June 29, 2009

Bio Dad Update

I found out his name is Brad L. Now i'm being a total wuss and not doing anything.
I still really only know his first name, and it's all quite overwhelming.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

5 things i'm not ready to do for the environment: A Confession

For over 20 years now, I've been on sort of a personnal mission. The Reduce Reuse Recycle Mission. I know that recyling won't help end world hunger, or even guarantee that the planet will see another century, but if nothing if it does nothing else, it makes me feel better to show old mother nature a little respect.
I'm always on the look out for new ways to reduce my consumption, (because believe me- i've got a long way to go) but there are still a few things that i'm not quite ready to do.

5) Make My Own Soap.
It's complicated. There are many, many, many articles that tell me why it's not, and yet it still involves buying molds and melting things and i'm just not interested, because in the end it's MUCH easier for me to support some local soap maker and cough up 5 bucks. (I don't do my own taxes anymore either- there are experts for a reason)

4) Regularly Bike to Work.
I start at 4:30am. This means in order to get to work by 4 (I would need to shower, rather, my co-workers would need me to shower) I would have to leave at 3:15. This means up at 2:45 at the latest, and honestly- i'm already go to bed at 8:00pm, and can not fathom getting to bed any earlier. Sorry, Earth. Emma needs her sleep.

3) Recycle mah pee.
Catching my pee in a little container to mix with H2O, and then feed to my plants just reminds me of collecting urine samples for the doctor. I also don't have that many plants. I understand that Urine is actually hard on the sewage system, but until we get "urine seperation toilets" over here in canada, i will not be participating in the fun.

2) Recycling T.P.
Yes, you read right, and no, i will not be joining this party either. Many articles i've read about it say it's just like using reusable baby wipes.
I find that hard to believe.
We'll think of something better... I know we will. But while i'm on the subject- can someone please make recycled t.p. SUCK LESS? For almost DOUBLE the price shouldn't it be great?

1) Quit my job an produce documentaries about amazing people doing amazing things for the planet.
I'm chicken. For now.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


snap. ball officially dropped. granted, it could have been a lot worse. this whole "working every day and functioning on 6 hours or less" thing is almost over. and not a minute too soon. last friday i scrambled to get my ass to work for 4:30am, only to find i wasn't even scheduled for the morning shift. awesome. then this morning i killed my alarm clock and overslept an hour. (it was amazing to sleep in until 4:30am. for real.)
people who know me well, know i do not thrive on schedules like this. i am a creature of habit, and i thrive on routine. working everyday is slowly breaking my spirit... i can be such a whiney bitch, can't i?! but seriously- it's getting comical... i've forgotten my house keys at work twice, lost my pass for work countless times, and misplaced my coffee mug about 4 times/day. thank god i don't have children right now.
The light at the end of the tunnel is this friday! The weekend of weddings starts with liv and dan on friday, the julianne and andrew on saturday...
then a week of relaxation with the best guy in the world, surrounded by wine.
sweet, sweet bliss.
hopefully it's enough to rejuvenate my broken spirit.

In other news... sometimes i wish i didn't work in news. as i'm sure you have heard, unless you live in a cave- not that there's anything wrong with that- an air france flight went down yesterday. all 200+ people presumed dead. this seems to happen an awful lot. i just don't think flying is a safe as we're made to believe... i've heard the whole "you're more likely to be hit by a bus" comparison (beautiful visuals by the way) but i feel as though as have more control over the bus thing, than the flight thing...
and another thing about news- they are now reporting a 3rd canadian has died from the swine flu. the reality is that all three of these people had previous health problems, and the H1N1 virus didn't help!! I'd love to think that people out there are smart enough to think for themselves, but the truth is, people take the news as truth- which it SHOULD be, and yes, it's technically true that people who had swine flu died, it is not true that the flu was the main cause of their death.