snap. ball officially dropped. granted, it could have been a lot worse. this whole "working every day and functioning on 6 hours or less" thing is almost over. and not a minute too soon. last friday i scrambled to get my ass to work for 4:30am, only to find i wasn't even scheduled for the morning shift. awesome. then this morning i killed my alarm clock and overslept an hour. (it was amazing to sleep in until 4:30am. for real.)
people who know me well, know i do not thrive on schedules like this. i am a creature of habit, and i thrive on routine. working everyday is slowly breaking my spirit... i can be such a whiney bitch, can't i?! but seriously- it's getting comical... i've forgotten my house keys at work twice, lost my pass for work countless times, and misplaced my coffee mug about 4 times/day. thank god i don't have children right now.
The light at the end of the tunnel is this friday! The weekend of weddings starts with liv and dan on friday, the julianne and andrew on saturday...
then a week of relaxation with the best guy in the world, surrounded by wine.
sweet, sweet bliss.
hopefully it's enough to rejuvenate my broken spirit.
In other news... sometimes i wish i didn't work in news. as i'm sure you have heard, unless you live in a cave- not that there's anything wrong with that- an air france flight went down yesterday. all 200+ people presumed dead. this seems to happen an awful lot. i just don't think flying is a safe as we're made to believe... i've heard the whole "you're more likely to be hit by a bus" comparison (beautiful visuals by the way) but i feel as though as have more control over the bus thing, than the flight thing...
and another thing about news- they are now reporting a 3rd canadian has died from the swine flu. the reality is that all three of these people had previous health problems, and the H1N1 virus didn't help!! I'd love to think that people out there are smart enough to think for themselves, but the truth is, people take the news as truth- which it SHOULD be, and yes, it's technically true that people who had swine flu died, it is not true that the flu was the main cause of their death.
Mojo Salmon Bowls
4 months ago
1 comment:
Hang in there Emma, you've been a big help the last couple of days as I've been losing emails and to-dos left and right. Just a few more days to the finish line!
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