Monday, November 2, 2009

god bless movember

This is pretty much my favourite month of the year. I love moustaches, and every November, my moustache envy grows to massive proportions.
Yes, some are funny,

some are just plain nasty,

but you gotta love the classic:

Ooooh, if i was a man... i would DEFINITELY participate in the greatest prostate cancer awarness fundraiser ev-er.  How great is it that you can grow a dirty stache and wear it to work with pride in the nam of prostate cancer research?!
Here is the info on "Movember":

and for the road, a couple of my personnal favourites..

and my all time favourite...


elea said...

seriously how dreamy is tom selleck?

Jess Demaria said...

I watched this show on the travel channel the other day about weird competitions, and there is this huge mustache competition in alaska that looks pretty amazing.
check it out.

Pony said...


Pony said...

why do i keep coming back to look at this picture of tom selleck?

elea said...

isn't he dreamy? i think this picture actually wins the "sexiest man of all time" award.

Anonymous said...

This last Tom pic is why I love mustaches... hhhmmmmmm....... ;)