i've been too busy to write. the weird thing is, the busy times are actually the most important times to write and reflect. a forced slow down. when i say busy- i mean that in the most wonderful way. "busy" celebrating life and love with friends and family. "busy" eating holiday meals and cookies. (nom nom) "busy" spending time with as many people as i can while they have some time off. "busy" enjoying my cozy home and the crisp sunny days.
i am so so so thankful (read, VERY thankful) for my friends and family. for love. for my health and theirs.
You know you're healthy when you are not thinking about your body. right?i vividly remember being 10 years old and stuck in a full leg cast for 6 months- i remember promising myself that once i was better i would appreciate my healthy leg, and the lack of pain each time i moved it. i was young! how was i to know it's almost impossible to take time every day and appreciate your body? that is, until i started reading this blog.
this woman is not only an inspiration to me, she's an inspiration to people across the globe. i'm not going to try to tell her story here, she does it far more eloquently- just read a little bit of her blog and you will see why i have become passionate about organ donation, and why i, who has never been religious, tried praying for her. i know- it's ridiculous- for so many reasons. most of all though-if there is a god- wouldn't he be pissed at me for not talking to him for 28 years and then asking for a huge favour for a stranger? or maybe not, because he's supposed to be god right? so he'd know that praying for eva is totally worth it. if her blog comments read true he's already heard about her.
this is ridiculous, but i would do just about anything to help this chick get lungs. i even wondered if i could survive with just half my lungs and give her my other half. this is apparently not an option. i checked.
anyhow, her heart shines right through her blog, and although i've never met her, i think she should be knighted or something for being awesome.
ps: are you an organ donor? unless it's against your religion (i'm pretty sure god doesn't actually care btw)please go here and check to see if you are registered or need to register.
Mojo Salmon Bowls
4 months ago
i am so totally registered. the last episode of house would've convinced me anyway.
too bad there's not an "I like" button, so we could all anonymously click it.
i checked! registered in 2000. quite inspirational, thanks em. :)
I checheked too! 2003! awesome emma
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