sooo, this one time i lost my iphone, which was worth about 500 dollars.
then i cried.
the end.
alternative ending:
sooo then i got it back from a random stranger by meeting him in the dodgiest alley in vancouver (behind the carnegie) but it was busted.
then i cried.
the end.
alternativer ending:
sooo then the home button was broken, and i thought my phone had become a pretty paper weight but i found out if a jailbroke it and downloaded a program i might be able to salvage it.
and 6 hours later...
totally did.
i learned all sorts of things about jailbreaking and restoring, and springboards and eventually- nerd girl to the recue- i did it! and minus some sweet photos and special text messages (yes, those do exist), my phone is BETTER than it was before.
whatta a great ending.
the end.
for reals.
Mojo Salmon Bowls
4 months ago
seriously, what is jailbreaking? other than breaking out of jail?
when you buy a phone from a service provider for a 'cheap' price, it is usually locked to that service provider. if you 'jailbreak' it, it unlocks it so that you can use the phone with any service provider. apple doesn't like this. the other benefit of jailbreaking (and the reason i did it) is because you can download apps that aren't from itunes/apple. (again, apple doesn't like that)
for example- i bought an app that acts as a virtual "home button" for my iphone, because my home button is busted. if i didn't do that, my iphone would've been a big hunk a junk- which apple would have liked very much, becasue i'd have to buy a new one.
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