i have nothing intelligent to say on this matter, other than i've come to a new personnal level of sadness regarding afghanistan, and our involvment over there. i work in news and am therefore very aware of each canadian soldier who loses their life. i see the pain of their families in each repatriation ceremony.
when i started my job, in local tv news 3 years ago, the canadian death toll in afghanistan was 78. as of today, it's 138. we report on a lot of ugly things, but most of the time i am able to filter it out.
not any more. each time i hear of another i.e.d. taking a soliders life, i am overcome with sadness and tears for their families. for the tragedy of young lives lost. it's been 9 years since the taliban regime fell, and 8 years since canadas ever increasing role in afghanistan started taking lives. harper has called for most candian soldiers to be out of afghanistan by 2011- which is a relief to me. i am curious to hear the thoughts of the soldiers themselves. will they be happy to come home? satisfied with canadas role in building a democratic afghan nation?
Mojo Salmon Bowls
4 months ago
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