i gave what i can afford to the redcross to help the relief efforts in haiti. a measly hundred bux. i know every dollar helps, i really know that, so why don't i feel good about helping? because i'm not there?
giving money just doesn't seem like enough. if i give more money will i feel better about what i'm doing for them?
it may be the whole "helping the masses" concept- where they say people are more likely to donate to a cause if they can put a face to the person they are helping...
i am experiencing this lack of connection with these people for the first time. i assume other people are feeling this as well, and hope that they are not a lot less likely to donate.
Mojo Salmon Bowls
4 months ago
i donated $75 and i am having the same feelings. i think it's because as westerners we feel like we can donate our money and then wash our hands of the whole affair - "well, i did my part. time for other people to step up". but it isn't working for me this time; i still feel like i accomplished nothing and i just get more and more sad watching all the coverage on tv. but what else can i do? my budget is limited and i have nothing else to give.
except that it's my understanding that cash donations are what's needed right now. Not volunteers, not cans of creamed corn - money. And consider that the Canadian government is matching donations if you're giving through the right charities. Suddenly that's $200!
i understand all that- i do...i just still feel so helpless! between haiti, and eva (http://65redroses.livejournal.com/) i am emotionally spent!
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