Sunday, May 16, 2010

Etymologically Speaking...

I just "stumbled" onto this sweet word origins website and decided that my favourite word today is defnitely Berserk. (AKA: Bear shirt) (yes!)

Berserk most likely comes from the Old Icelandic "berserkr," meaning "bear shirt." This refers to Scandinavian warriors who wore, quite literally, bear shirts which they thought would render them invincible. I believe the Icelandic term evolves from Scandinavian, "bjorn sherkr," but I am not sure.
I have no way of verifying this info- but i want so badly to believe it's true!

1 comment:

Jess Demaria said...

so inspiring. so saying "that shit was berserkr" makes absolutely no sense. but he- man rules and I'm pretty sure I might have to illustrate.