Monday, December 28, 2009

rad chick i've never met.

i've been too busy to write. the weird thing is, the busy times are actually the most important times to write and reflect. a forced slow down. when i say busy- i mean that in the most wonderful way. "busy" celebrating life and love with friends and family. "busy" eating holiday meals and cookies. (nom nom) "busy" spending time with as many people as i can while they have some time off. "busy" enjoying my cozy home and the crisp sunny days.
i am so so so thankful (read, VERY thankful) for my friends and family. for love. for my health and theirs.
You know you're healthy when you are not thinking about your body. right?i vividly remember being 10 years old and stuck in a full leg cast for 6 months- i remember promising myself that once i was better i would appreciate my healthy leg, and the lack of pain each time i moved it. i was young! how was i to know it's almost impossible to take time every day and appreciate your body? that is, until i started reading this blog.

this woman is not only an inspiration to me, she's an inspiration to people across the globe. i'm not going to try to tell her story here, she does it far more eloquently- just read a little bit of her blog and you will see why i have become passionate about organ donation, and why i, who has never been religious, tried praying for her. i know- it's ridiculous- for so many reasons. most of all though-if there is a god- wouldn't he be pissed at me for not talking to him for 28 years and then asking for a huge favour for a stranger? or maybe not, because he's supposed to be god right? so he'd know that praying for eva is totally worth it. if her blog comments read true he's already heard about her.
this is ridiculous, but i would do just about anything to help this chick get lungs. i even wondered if i could survive with just half my lungs and give her my other half. this is apparently not an option. i checked.
anyhow, her heart shines right through her blog, and although i've never met her, i think she should be knighted or something for being awesome.
ps: are you an organ donor? unless it's against your religion (i'm pretty sure god doesn't actually care btw)please go here and check to see if you are registered or need to register.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

god bless movember

This is pretty much my favourite month of the year. I love moustaches, and every November, my moustache envy grows to massive proportions.
Yes, some are funny,

some are just plain nasty,

but you gotta love the classic:

Ooooh, if i was a man... i would DEFINITELY participate in the greatest prostate cancer awarness fundraiser ev-er.  How great is it that you can grow a dirty stache and wear it to work with pride in the nam of prostate cancer research?!
Here is the info on "Movember":

and for the road, a couple of my personnal favourites..

and my all time favourite...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


His famous "Invisible Skateboard" video was awesome, and so were where the wild things are, the sweet backwards pharcyde video, and the many many more music vids and short films, but i think this is top 5 for me.
HOW did he do this?Is this shit really exploding?And if it is, would YOU trust spike enough to skate through this?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A 3 Strike Tuesday

I woke up this morning with an enormous STYE in my EYE.  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's an infection in your eyelid, due to the eyelash folicle being blocked and getting generally angry with you.  It hurts, and it looks, well, nasty.  Treatment is putting a warm cloth on your eyelid and hangin out like that til it goes away.
This was a big "strike 1" on my Tuesday morning.  I decided to wear my comfy size XL jogging pants because I was feeling terribly sorry for myself for having to wake up at 3:30 with a large painful, ugly-red-thing on my eye. I basically work in a cave for the first 4.5 hours of my shift, so i figured it was acceptable attire until I was off air at 9am.  Then I would change.
The universe, however, had other plans.  As soon as I got into my car and turned the first corner, I sprayed hot coffee all over said joggers.
Is this the universes way of telling me that no matter how nasty i feel, and no matter how early i get up, jogging pants in public are a big no-no?!
If there universe WAS trying to tell me something- i ignored it.  which can't be a good thing.  This was a large "strike 2" on my morning.  "Strike 3" was icing on the cake.  Because i was running a little late, I ran into my morning commute NEMESIS. It comes in the form of a 1980's Itasca Sunrise. (not unlike this photo).  it's got veterans plates, and NEVER goes above 50km/hour. It's terribly annoying considering there is nowhere to pass it safely, and I only run into it when i'm running a ew minutes late.  4:20am road rage is an ugly thing.

Right now i'm on air with the morning show, and quite happy knowing I had my 3 stikes of SUCK for the day already and it's only 6:30am.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The other night I was at my first Canucks game of the season.  I am a huge hockey fan and eat, sleep and breathe Canucks for a good part of the year.  In front of us, sat two young boys.  One in an Oilers jersey, one in a Canucks jersey.  Obviously the kid in the Canucks jersey was cuter, and between you and me, looked far more intelligent.  Anyways, what was my point?  Oh yes, indoctrination.  Definition here. I had a little debate with my friend about the jerseys. (Incidentally, we decided afterwards that having this debate in front, or rather, directly behind these kids and their parents AT the game, was rather inapropriate, but that's really here nor there)  So, my friend believes that by putting a child in a jersey, or a onesie displaying team colours/logo such as this little number:

It is not respecting their right to choose which team they actually want to cheer for.  It puts us in a power position of deciding for them who is worthy or their support.  Now although I completely uderstand why in principal this is wrong, I dare you to deny the cute factor of these booties:

and I find it incomparable to indoctrinating other types of beliefs. (religion, politics etc) I was very lucky to have a mother who made it clear that these were my decisions to make in life, and am forever grateful to her for letting me find my own way in those regards.  So here's the bottom line:  My friend is right, but i don't feel like supporting a sports team is in the same category as the bigger questions in life, and furthermore there is a small window for this cute factor and I feel like especially at a very young age, there is probably no harm in dressing them in Canucks jerseys and such, taking a ton of pictures, only to keep them for years so down the road when your child has decided on their own that they loooove the Leafs, (bleck) you can torcher them with said pictures for your enjoyment.   Thoughts on this? Am I weak of will and mind? Corporate Whore?
A few more for the road:

and a whole other debate...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Soul Pancake, and other inter-gems...

I am training someone today at work who needs no training, which means for 3 hours i get to hang out on the interwebs, guilt free.  I've spent most of that time this morning at Soul Pancake.  If you're planning on wasting time on the internet, this is a great place to do it.  Unlike the old faves LOL cats and  fail blog, and my new favourite total waste of time, Texts from Last Night, Soul Pancake is a place where people go to ask and answer many of lifes big questions.  It offers food for thought (mmm pancakes) and creativity to boot. 
One more before I go.  The Hype Machine is great.  The greatest feature is that when you search for an artist it shows you when or if that artist is in your area, and where they are playing.   It's really thorough too!
I'm outta words for now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Most Wonderful Thing

Two of the most incredible people in the world just did something amazing. They had a baby girl. My dear dear friends just spent an entire day bringing her into this world.
I can't explain the joy this brings me. (i am of course, going to try though)
I believe it's partly due to the fact that I've watched my friend grow from a sometimes angst ridden, grimy teenaged boy into a wonderful friend, husband, and now father! His wife is a rock of a woman, with wisdom coming out of her ears, and i truly believe that together, they are unstoppable.
Almost a year ago now, another friend of mine brought a baby boy into the world. i was overjoyed then too. i think though, that i'm even more excited this time, because i've had the chance now to understand (as much as an aunty with no kids of her own can) just what a profound event it is to have a child.
Now it's time to Celebrate!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gran Paparazzi

These people are genius. This is absolutely my favourite blog to follow right now. I've always loved the amazing style that many seniors carry with them from the days when every man and woman had a few good hats, and they knew the value of a well taylored suit.
Check it out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Morning glory

I was never that girl. Even as a semi angst-ridden teen, I never felt
the need to stay up late or sleep in late. It's just not in my nature.
I am a great sleeper in fact I've often wished there was a job in
which I could put this talent to use! "professional sleeper" at your
service. You need me to sleep through a concert? Done. Sleep trough
multiple alarms, fall asleep mid party, within 1 minute of closing my
eyes? Sure thing! People say I must have nothing on my conscience.
Perhaps they are right, although I think it's more a matter of being
constantly sleep deprived.
Back now though to the matter at hand. My ode to the morning. While
most people are wiping sleep out there eyes, I am soaking in the
stillness of the morning, the freshness of the air the clarity of my
mind. On a summers morning the air is cool, comfortable before the
heat of the day sets in. And rhe thing I love most, is the solitude.
Sure, there are often a few other people about, but those few are
nothing compared to the chaos that comes with a million people in rush
hour. Bleck.
Thank goodness for small towns in the morning- mornings at camp, or on
a body of water. Thank goodness for early alarm clocks which enable me
to enjoy this time... and thank GOODNESS for coffee.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fruesday & Fronday

My work week is Friday- Tuesday. This makes 'Fronday' is my Monday 'Fruesday' is my Friday. Fronday always comes fast and furious after my mid-week weekend. (pardon?) I know, it's a little ridiculous, and one day I will joing the big kids who work Monday to Friday, 9-5. One day I will go on camping trips with friends and enjoy concerts without dreading my early morning wakeups.
Don't get me wrong- my job is amazing, and my work week fly's by each week, and i belly laugh each and every day at least once.
i still want weekends off. Sue me.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

HAYYY! BAM! (sun cures blues)

Know what? i haven't figured anything out since my last post, regarding school, etc - but it's sunny, so i'm feeling much better now.
My mom has recently told me that she's selling up and travelling the world this coming year. "my freedom 55".
I am SO proud of her. So happy for her. So nervous for her! What a crazy ride.
it's something she needs to do, and i willsupport her any way i can, every step of the way.
I LOOOOOVE you momma!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sooo, i've been in a funk. This doesn't happen to me very often, so i'm not the greatest at dealing with it. Among my worries in Funktyown there is education, family, and employment.

I'm gonna go ahead and ask for it. I need a manual. I will pay a decent sum for it, as the correct guidelines could save me thousands in tuition, college funds, and re-training. I am also willing to trade my scooter for it, (less than 100km's) or my bass guitare, which i haven't personally used for more than 3 hours.

If the manual of life does exist, and someone is holding out on me, I swear i will sneak into your home and steal all your left socks and put tiny holes in your shoes.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Bio Dad Update

I found out his name is Brad L. Now i'm being a total wuss and not doing anything.
I still really only know his first name, and it's all quite overwhelming.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

5 things i'm not ready to do for the environment: A Confession

For over 20 years now, I've been on sort of a personnal mission. The Reduce Reuse Recycle Mission. I know that recyling won't help end world hunger, or even guarantee that the planet will see another century, but if nothing if it does nothing else, it makes me feel better to show old mother nature a little respect.
I'm always on the look out for new ways to reduce my consumption, (because believe me- i've got a long way to go) but there are still a few things that i'm not quite ready to do.

5) Make My Own Soap.
It's complicated. There are many, many, many articles that tell me why it's not, and yet it still involves buying molds and melting things and i'm just not interested, because in the end it's MUCH easier for me to support some local soap maker and cough up 5 bucks. (I don't do my own taxes anymore either- there are experts for a reason)

4) Regularly Bike to Work.
I start at 4:30am. This means in order to get to work by 4 (I would need to shower, rather, my co-workers would need me to shower) I would have to leave at 3:15. This means up at 2:45 at the latest, and honestly- i'm already go to bed at 8:00pm, and can not fathom getting to bed any earlier. Sorry, Earth. Emma needs her sleep.

3) Recycle mah pee.
Catching my pee in a little container to mix with H2O, and then feed to my plants just reminds me of collecting urine samples for the doctor. I also don't have that many plants. I understand that Urine is actually hard on the sewage system, but until we get "urine seperation toilets" over here in canada, i will not be participating in the fun.

2) Recycling T.P.
Yes, you read right, and no, i will not be joining this party either. Many articles i've read about it say it's just like using reusable baby wipes.
I find that hard to believe.
We'll think of something better... I know we will. But while i'm on the subject- can someone please make recycled t.p. SUCK LESS? For almost DOUBLE the price shouldn't it be great?

1) Quit my job an produce documentaries about amazing people doing amazing things for the planet.
I'm chicken. For now.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


snap. ball officially dropped. granted, it could have been a lot worse. this whole "working every day and functioning on 6 hours or less" thing is almost over. and not a minute too soon. last friday i scrambled to get my ass to work for 4:30am, only to find i wasn't even scheduled for the morning shift. awesome. then this morning i killed my alarm clock and overslept an hour. (it was amazing to sleep in until 4:30am. for real.)
people who know me well, know i do not thrive on schedules like this. i am a creature of habit, and i thrive on routine. working everyday is slowly breaking my spirit... i can be such a whiney bitch, can't i?! but seriously- it's getting comical... i've forgotten my house keys at work twice, lost my pass for work countless times, and misplaced my coffee mug about 4 times/day. thank god i don't have children right now.
The light at the end of the tunnel is this friday! The weekend of weddings starts with liv and dan on friday, the julianne and andrew on saturday...
then a week of relaxation with the best guy in the world, surrounded by wine.
sweet, sweet bliss.
hopefully it's enough to rejuvenate my broken spirit.

In other news... sometimes i wish i didn't work in news. as i'm sure you have heard, unless you live in a cave- not that there's anything wrong with that- an air france flight went down yesterday. all 200+ people presumed dead. this seems to happen an awful lot. i just don't think flying is a safe as we're made to believe... i've heard the whole "you're more likely to be hit by a bus" comparison (beautiful visuals by the way) but i feel as though as have more control over the bus thing, than the flight thing...
and another thing about news- they are now reporting a 3rd canadian has died from the swine flu. the reality is that all three of these people had previous health problems, and the H1N1 virus didn't help!! I'd love to think that people out there are smart enough to think for themselves, but the truth is, people take the news as truth- which it SHOULD be, and yes, it's technically true that people who had swine flu died, it is not true that the flu was the main cause of their death.

Monday, May 25, 2009

working hard, gettin older

i think my last day off was... wait... nope, don't remember. The next one will be Friday, June 05th 2009. i have a crush on that day. You should hear the way i say it- soooo sweetly.
Before this thing called "Children's Telethon" entered my life i used to be a real birthday person. I'd have countdowns, and invite all the people who warm my heart to eat drink and be merry to celebrate that my clutzy ass made it another whole year on this earth. The last two years, however, my birthday has fallen right smack in the middle of helping to produce a 12 hour piece of television, on top of working my normal 40hour/week.
bust out the grumpy pants.

here's the thing though. i have an amazing partner in crime who knows how much i love to party like an 8 year old, and he's taken up the slack and planned birthday bowling. just when i thought i couldn't fall more in love...
grumpy pants off. birthday suit officially on.
(best bear ev-ar)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bio Dad Update

Through the help of my friend, Nancy Drew, I managed to track down an old friend of my moms who, it turns out dated Bio Dad before my mom did. (Before my mom got to town, and they became buddies). Awesome. Sheryl has been amazing, and told me more about Bio Dad then i ever thought i would know.
Apparently I look like him.
mind was blown...
WOAH! (That's a joey lawrence woah)
She gave me a wonderful description of him, and told me his name was Brad.
again. mind blown...
What a gift she's given me!
I'm not getting my hopes up for any sort of reunion. Even if i could track him down i'm really not sure what i'd say to him. I thinks that's cause i'm not sure what i want from him. The only thing i'm sure of is that i want to see his face. And did you see 30 Rock the last two weeks? What if he needs a kidney or something? or he thinks i need one? these things can get complicated quickly, and i'm really quite happy with my life at the moment.
These are all questions i need to answer over the next weeks and months.
No rush here.
Baby steps.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Slap Chop? Try Rap Chop.

This is probably old news to some people, but i gotta post and enjoy a few more times until i'm over it.
You know the "Sham Wow" guy? Cmon. I know you do.

Vince has now made a career outta infomercials. He does a great job promoting the slap chop, but i think this would probably sell a lot more.
The Rap Chop:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Belly dancing

Thursday nights for the next few Thursdays will be known as "Shake yer thang Thursdays"
No, i didn't get an extra job stripping again. I rounded up the Avery ladies and convinced them to join me in a belly dancing class! The belly dancing was fun on it's own but the wine and quality family time were icing on the cake. Although i'm actually sore from learning to shoulder shimmy and hip shimmy, i can't wait to see what we'll learn next week! Maybe i'll even get up the nerve to try a hip belt with coins...
ching ching ching chi-ching.
Pretty soon i'll be shakin it like this:

...ok, maybe not exactly like that... she's all like "no big deal, i dance with chandeliers on my head...what? you don't?"

talk about a party trick.
sign me up.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scooty Mc Scoot-Scoot

That's me. Or, it was me about 4 or 5 years ago. I had a wee Honda Jazz scooter. It was my very first vehicle, and it was really fucking dangerous. We'll put it down to the old "user error". I would regularly pile my sim board, and an extra passenger on it, and truck down to the beach, over the lions gate. You will never be SO acutely aware of the cross breeze on that bridge as when you're on it on a scoot.
I also drove it all winter. Across north shore bridges and up to grouse mountain (icy roads and all) every day for 6am.
i know. FAIL. speaking of a safety fail:
Scooter fail.

Anyhow, the reason i'm re-visiting my wild and crazy days as scooter owner, is because my insurance is coming up in June for my car, and it's gonna cost a fortune. (or about $2300.00, which is my version of a fortune.)
Scooters are bomb for spring and summer, but not so hot in the rain.

Scooter pros:
Sweet for city driving and parking.
I can play "Mod" when i feel the need. (?!)
Cheap again...
It's fun times. Really.
And of course, environmentally friendly

Scoot Cons
It totally sucks it in the rain
Not only does it feel sucky in the rain, you look like a total tool.
It's danger bay in the rain.
Actually, it's danger bay all the time.
No highway. Most scoots max out at 60km/hr
2 words: HELMET HEAD.

Hmmm...Aren't lists supposed to help in decision making? I'll probably end up just flipping a coin.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Damn it, i just can't

i really wanted to write about the bigger issues today. About making composting more accessible for apartment dwellers, and how happy i am that it's getting easier to live by the three "r"'s of recycling... but right now all i can think about is this dang crick in my neck. It's SO incredibly painful. (whinge, whiiiiiine, etc) i'm day dreaming of A535, Traumeel, and the hottest shower i can take without getting 1st degree burns.
And some wine.

i'll give you a cookie.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New diggs. I'm Posessed

Ok. Not really posessed, (have you seen the exorcist lately? Some of the images in that movie still scare the SHIT out of me!) but we did take posession on our new home yesterday, and it feeeeeels great! The move, coupled with Canucks Playoff Hockey, is making for a sweet sweet spring.

oh gawd, still have exorcist images in my head... think happy thoughts...

like this...

The first photo of the first hour at the new diggs. Next step: paint
and art!!
Yea art!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bio-Dad #1

The almost impossible task of finding my biological father.

Why? Curiosity, that's all.

The Facts:
He lived in Dawson City for the Summer of 1980 (it's small!)

He worked odd jobs to get by

He was young- about 18/19

He was blond

They hooked up after the infamous Outhouse Races:
...Honestly that's it. It was a one night thing (that's all it takes!) and we don't even know his name.

The Plan:
Ask mum more questions to jog her memory (people are a lot easier to find if you know their name)

Contact family friend who was with mum that summer.

Maybe take a trip up North to see this:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

a few things

1. it was sunny today and i managed to get my arse out to the beach to share a glass of wine with mum, (not seen here) this is actually a really weak picture of the sunset from my car...

2. i finally found an purdy piece of art to hang in the new digs, but went back the next day to purchase it and someone had already made off with it... i snoozed and i losed... i think i actually mourned it a bit. here she is:

3. i picked up a new shirt in honour of my lovely room mate mel:

4. i really like ducks and walk to see them almost every weekend lunch hour, but most geese are mean:

5. it's way past my bed time.
6. i'm starting up the search for bio dad, which will be verrrry interesting considering his last known whereabouts was dawson city, 1980, and we don't know his name...
much more to come on that.

Monday, March 30, 2009

omg sick.

i am a sicky. too sick to post a proper note, but not so sick that i can not pose a quick question.

It's actually on a sort of break-up protocol.
The background:
I received a framed drawing from a ex in 2004. It's been with me, on my wall in each place i've lived (believe me, there have been many) ever since. I've never particularly loved it, but more used to love it because he made it.
I'm about to move again- this time, into a new home for the first time with my partner.
So, now that we haven't spoken in almost 2 years and won't speak anytime in the near future, is it wrong to donate it to the sally anne? Especially with a "For emma, with love, ____." written on the back?
Or is is simply time to move on?


Monday, March 23, 2009

Spwing Has Spwung, Craigslist is Plentiful

Spring has sprung. Finally. And with the arrival of spring comes the exciting task of spring cleaning. The amazing time of year when we clear out all the junk we've accumulated over the past year, and try to pawn it off on craigslist. What a wonderful feeling.

Check out these gems i found this morning:

Rare - Sea Captain's Lamp Stand - $895 (Langley, B.C.)

(an absolute steal in my opinion at $895) (?!?!?!WTF!?!?!)

Too expensive for your blood? How about this "Angel/Roman Clock" for only $30?!

I wonder if this was a gift, or just a momentary lack of judgement...
Van Gogh Dinnerware for 4! NEW in BOX........ - $65 (vancouver)

Anyway, welcome to my new favourite passtime, "Craiglisting" it's like "Garage Sailing" for lazy people.

Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I attended a job fair held by a local youth employment office yesterday- not to actually look for a job. I was curious about who is actually still hiring in this economic downturn, and who was actually searching for a job.
The answer to the second part of that question is EVERYONE. I saw people who looked old enough to be grandparents, and people who were still in highschool. How scary would that be?! You're 16 and your parents give you the 'money doesn't grow on trees' speech for the 70th time, only this time they cut off your allowance, give you the number to the local employment centre, and send you on your way. You're SUPER nervous, and when you show up, you're competing with this guy for jobs:

Most of us have, at one point in our lives, been forced to attend a job fair. On paper, the idea is brilliant. Go to one place, with 20 copies of your resume, and drop them all off at once. A great time saver for both employee and employer.
What isn't translated to the brilliant paper plan is the awkwardness of the whole thing. Selling yourself is hard enough 1 on 1, let alone in front of 10 other job-thirsty-seekers hudling around the table.
Thank god i'm still gainfully employed...For now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tim Hortons Rrroll Up the Rim: YOU LOSE

Does rolling up the rim piss anyone else off, or am i a bigger hippy than i thought i was? You know what happens when you bring in your portable mug to timmy during the roll up the rim campaign? they say "great, 10cents off yer coffee m'am. here's a cup to throw away." WTF. I'm bringing in my reusable cup for a reason lady. Know what they say when i say i don't need the cup? that it will mess up their "count". who cares that it's a TOTAL WASTE OF PRODUCTS AND A STRAIN ON THE ENVIRONMENT! Was "reduce, reuse, recycle" just an early 90's FAD?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Time for something or other..

People with kids always say they don't know what they did with all their spare time before they procreated... I'm wondering what i do with all my time too.
There are some people whose homes are always spotless, and their lunches are always packed. They have gifts for upcoming birthdays and clothes picked out for special occasions...
Then there's me.
Always feeling rushed, and behind. I constantly have the feeling that I have an assignment due. (No, i'm not in school, but i know that feeling all too well).
What am I doing?
Someone asked me last night if i knit the sweater i was wearing. HA!!! The fact is, I probably would have the time if i wasn't blogging, or learning how to use my new iphone or visiting friends or eating or playing outside...
btw... the image above is of a t shirt for toddlers. it's called "busy schedule" . It's hard being 3.